In 1993, common rules for the allocation of slots at EU airports were introduced in order to ensure that airlines have access to the busiest EU airports on the basis of principles of neutrality, transparency and non-discrimination (Based on the principles governing the system of slot allocation (IATA Worldwide Scheduling Guidelines)).
The Challenge
With passenger numbers set to double over the next 20 years, and aircraft movements to increase substantially, all parts of the aviation industry will be challenged to accommodate this growth. It is likely that many airports will continue to be slot constrained, given the complexity to add new capacity. The number of capacity constrained (slot coordinated) airports has tended to increase year on year with currently over 175 airports globally, up from 142 five years ago. In 2016, 1.5 billion passengers departed from a slot coordinated airport, representing 43% of global passengers. The Worldwide Slot Guidelines (WSG) has continually evolved since 1974 to address the challenges raised by a constantly changing and growing industry; today, however, there is a need to address new challenges related to the efficiency of the slot process, divergence from best practice, increasing competition at airports and changing business models.
The Solution
The Strategic Review of the WSG is a collaborative initiative of ACI, IATA and WWACG to ensure the improvement and optimization of the WSG, so that all stakeholders contribute and benefit from one global process. Airlines, airport operators and slot coordinators / Schedules Facilitators, are fundamental partners in developing robust airport slot management policies and procedures and are key contributors and participants in the review and revision process of the WSG. With this objective in mind, they commit to adequately engage and inform States, policy makers and other air transport industry stakeholders to ensure the highest level of harmonization. The program of work of the review is aligned with WSG principles of transparency, flexibility, sustainability, certainty, non-discrimination and consistency.
Objectives of the Strategic Review:
1. Strengthen the principles of the WSG
2. Ensure policy and procedures remain relevant
3. Reinforce the benefits of the single global process
4. Better take advantage of new technologies
The Industry’s Approach
In 2016 the aviation community agreed to establish an in-depth review of the slot guidelines, to ensure they evolve and remain viable for years to come. This approach was welcomed by the Economic Commission at the 39th ICAO Assembly. Any deficiencies in the slot allocation process will be addressed by the industry through this Strategic Review to ensure that consensus on a globally compatible process is maintained, through a series of workshops with airlines, airports, slot coordinators and facilitators, and consultations between ACI, IATA and WWACG the initial scope of the review was established and a set of task forces will be created to work on the initial priority areas of the review.
The Task Forces
• Airport Levels Task Force
• Historic Determination Task Force
• Slot Performance Monitoring Task Force
• Access to Congested Airports Task Force
WSG Strategic Review Management Board
In order to manage this process, the IATA, ACI-World and WWACG set up a management group composed of 4 representatives of each organization. WWACG appointed the following representatives:
Iata Worldwide Slot Guidelines
- Mr Eric HERBANE : COHOR, Airport Coordination France, and WWACG Chairman
- Mr Hiroki TAKEDA: Airport Coordination Japan and Chairman of Asia-Pacific Airport Coordination Association (APACA)
- Mr Fred WISTER: Airport Coordination Norway, Chairman European Airport Coordinators Association (EUACA)
- Mr Brian MEEHAN, United States